What Good ya'll? Hope all is well, welcome back to my blog, It been a minute since I did some Rambling so lets go.
First I want to Welcome my Dude Ace back home from Kuwait! Was gone for about 8 or 9 months serving our country. Salute to you bro glad you are back!
The house has been coming a long good, got the rooms together, my daughters are use to it now and I love living in town now. For those who don't know I moved out of New York when I was 13 to PA and I been living in the fuckin woods up until now lol. So now being able to walk to places, walk to go play ball or go for a bike ride for some cardio is no big deal now. I know I know sounds dumb that i'm happy about this...fuck you guys lmao. moving on
Since my brother Ace has been back I been back in the gym heavy now. He left somewhat in shape (No offense my nigga lol) and now the dude is a beast. So i been getting back in there with him, I always lifted been at it since I was in high school i've just been very inconsistant, having kids, working and doin music didn't really leave me motivated to hit the gym much. Of course i eventually got out of shape (Smh) so i'm tryin to really stick with it this time, drop some weight (At least 30 pounds) and get stronger in the process.
Routine - Monday: Chest / Tuesday:Arms / Wednesday:Shoulders / Thursday:Legs / Friday:Cardio and Core / Saturday and Sunday: Rest (Which basically turns into biking and basketball)
Also i'm still at the Waves, STEP YOUR BRUSH GAME UP NIGGAS LMAO!
I honestly can care less about Football Season....NBA can't come soon enough!
I see Reebok is over killing the Shaqs now (Surprise Surprise) putting out a new horrible CW every week smh....don't judge me and say i'm not a true sneakerhead, I just only wear Nike/Jordan on my feet and that's the reason why.
I still can't believe my oldest Daughter is about to start 3rd grade and my youngest will be going to Pre-School soon....Damn I am getting Old!
Music wise I put together 2 more beats for the new mixtape "Coming For The Crown 2" so that brings it to a total of 12 songs. I'm not trying to do anymore then that so now I've just been writing and trying to start recording VERY SOON. Wait til you hear "Crown Me" and "Do This" woooo!
Make sure you check out the videos on the side of this page. I have all of my videos up there!
Also check out my previous post for Jayomega's mixtapes and Scarr Boy's mixtapes. Be on the look out i'll be posting Loco Tha Don's Mixtape soon (He's busy working on his new one) and also some Brand New Music from Benny Wave. WE ARE WORKING!
If you heard my previous Mixtape "Coming For The Crown" ( http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/syer-esso-coming-for-the-crown-mixtape.72180.html ) We are thinking about putting together a video for "Those Jeans" If it comes together as we are planning it should be a great video just like "Practice" Stay Tuned.
Ok my day at work is almost over (Yes I do some of this shit at work...why not lol) so i'm probably gonna end this here but Thank You guys as always for coming through my blog and staying up to date with me!
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Shout out to my little homie Scarr Boy. I'm proud of that nigga man he makes moves! Check out his mixtape "Reason Thru Face" Here
And his joint Mixtape wit H-Dizzy "Oyabun" Here
You won't be disappointed! And he is working on his new mixtape which is going to be produced mostly by himself, Me and about 1 or 2 other producers. Its shaping up to be a classic mixtape. OH and he's ESSO of course!
(You seen him actin a fool in the Practice video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpQ6_v0Ek0 )
And his joint Mixtape wit H-Dizzy "Oyabun" Here
You won't be disappointed! And he is working on his new mixtape which is going to be produced mostly by himself, Me and about 1 or 2 other producers. Its shaping up to be a classic mixtape. OH and he's ESSO of course!
(You seen him actin a fool in the Practice video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpQ6_v0Ek0 )
13,000 Dollar Basketball
Hermes thought it was a great IDEA to make a basketball that cost only about $13,000(Yeah you read that right!)
"The court must be of hand-hewn and gently aged redwood planks shellacked with organic lacquer, of course."
Yeah ok my nigga....you can

"The court must be of hand-hewn and gently aged redwood planks shellacked with organic lacquer, of course."
Yeah ok my nigga....you can
Slap heard around the Drew League
The Drew League has been SERIOUS this summer(For those who keep up with Summer Basketball)
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